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Our church’s beginnings were humble. In the spring of 1973, the Reverend Douglas Carpenter wanted to establish a church that would provide a sanctuary for all. That May, he and 21 Episcopalians began meeting in a trailer in the woods of south Jefferson County. They decided to name this new church Saint Stephen’s, inspired by the man whom the 12 apostles chose to serve those in need.Today, a cluster of large buildings stands where that trailer used to, and that tiny church is now a parish of more than 1,500 worshipers from 17 zip codes. Through the years, even in the midst of tremendous growth, Saint Stephen’s has never lost sight of the intention

upon which it was founded: to go out into the world making believers in Jesus Christ and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, regardless of who they are or their station in life.

The welcoming, informal, and relaxed spirit of those early days lives on. Parishioners have described Saint Stephen’s as “a big church with a small-church feel.” Today we continue to strive to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus in our neighborhood, our city, our state, and the world. 


What has allowed us to maintain these values through the years? Perhaps it is our location in the middle of the woods, and our sanctuary with its large clear windows. Unlike stained glass, which might close us off from the world, our windows let the  light in  and allow us to see  God’s beautiful  creation  as we

worship. Some refer to Saint Stephen’s as “God’s tree house.”Maybe it's the influence of our prior rectors. Both Reverend Carpenter, who led us for more than 32 years (1973-2006), and the Rt. Reverend Russell Kendrick, who pastored Saint Stephen's from 2008 until his selection as the Bishop of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast in 2015, worked to make Saint Stephen's a beacon for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

After Russell’s departure, a fruitful search process brought Rev. Mark Forbes and family to Saint Stephen’s in the fall of 2016. Due to an extensive post concussive syndrome we unfortunately are called upon to part ways. Mark, Kristen, Jack and Kate will forever be a special part of the Saint Stephen’s family. We will continue to wrap Mark and his family in our prayers of healing and peace.

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